Coral Short
A face in close-up, using stop-motion, and a lot of diamonds. Coral Short and Raphaële Frigon turn the face into a canvas, flooding it with glittering dots.
Coral Short
Coral Short is an international performance, sound and video artist. Humour, fantasy and transformation are essential elements of her work, which bridges the gap between night-life and art, incorporating the entire range of ideas related to her communities. In her work she supports the identity and energy of the new queer generation. Coral Short currently lives and works in Montreal and New York.
Films by Coral Short (Selection)
Fake Orgasm Choir 2016 | Chimera 2015 | Scream Choir 2014 | Arrangement 2013 | Mother 2013 | Narcissus 2013 | Tunnel Vision 2013 | Stop Beating Yourself Up 2012 | Lesbian Hand Gestures 2011