
& das gegenteil von glück

Lütfiye Güzel

Poetry Clip

A cinematic walkabout. Glances up at the sky. The pigeons. Dirty and groggy. The footsteps. Slow and reluctant. The dreams. Old and borrowed. A city. Underneath, a childhood. Sad and incidental. A literary tour. Almost nothing works. Views from the bridge. Underneath, a shrug of the shoulders. And the opposite of happiness.

Director / Script / Cinematography / Editing / Sound / Production / Contact

Lütfiye Güzel

Portrait of Lütfiye Güzel

Lütfiye Güzel

Poet Lütfiye Güzel, born 1972 in Duisburg, works in the Ruhr region and Berlin. She has published poems and short prose works since 2014 under her own imprint, go-güzel-publishing. In 2017 Güzel won the Ruhr Literature Award.
Her latest book, nahezu nichts gelingt, was published in March 2020.

Films by Lütfiye Güzel (Selection)
2021 | angeblich sind wir menschen 2020 | dass die stadt mich verfolgt 2019