

Betsy Kalin

Short film
desired! – film lust & queer

From Victorian pocket watches to zoot suit style to motorcycle necessity, wallet chains have evolved over the years to become more than a trend in lesbian culture. Today, lesbians are the biggest consumers of wallet chains. All ages, all walks of life, butches and femmes, dykes on bikes, and BDSM practitioners – what drives women to wear chains? In her film Chained!, Betsy Kalin takes a sexy, humorous romp through the lives of lesbians who define themselves by their chains.


Betsy Kalin


Gretchen Warthen


Margo Dean, Michael Hanish


Lisa Gillespie, Barry Neely


Betsy Kalin, Itchy Bee Productions

Betsy Kalin

True to her independent approach to film work, Betsy Kalin as a filmmaker often takes on the roles of producer, scriptwriter, director and film editor at the same time. In 2004, she made her debut with the documentation Hearts Cracked Open. For the biographical documentation series LesBios she wrote the script and directed. Betsy Kalin studied women’s studies at Columbia University, where she gained a degree. She subsequently graduated with an MA in film directing from Miami University.

Films by Betsy Kalin
East LA Interchange 2012 | Hearts Cracked Open 2004 | Into the Streets 2002 | LesBios 2001 | Donkeys, Pigs and Greens 2000 | Roof 1998 | Reflections 1996