Margit Czenki
»If applied systematically, and by lots of tenants, the Devaluation Kit will trigger a price downward spiral. The rich will leave that part of town and withdraw to their traditional patch in the suburbs. Posh restaurants will lower their prices – and soon you will be able to move into a larger and cheaper flat. And at the end of the month your purse or wallet will show big savings.«
Film Programme Urban Landscapes
Margit Czenki
Margit Czenki is a film-maker and artist living in Hamburg. Her first fiction feature film Komplizinnen was shown worldwide. In 1989, she founded the FilmarchivFrauen e.V. in Hamburg. With Park Fiction, she took part at the documenta 11 in 2002. Since the mid-1990s, Ms Czenki has used video projects, exhibitions and happenings to propagate a way of »Counter-Life« that breaks new ground in the everyday routine – whether as resistive potential, as the unexpectedly political, as a possibility or merely as a promise. She develops experimental instruments to read urban spaces and, in that process, has set up the Park Fiction Institute for Independent Urbanism, also in Hamburg.
Films by Margit Czenki
Cosmos Hamburg 2003 | Park Fiction die Wünsche werden die Wohnung verlassen und auf die Straße gehen 1999 | Swingpfennig 1994 | Komplizinnen 1987