DOXS RUHR Programme age 6 and older
As a partner of the DOXS RUHR school film events, the IFFF Dortmund+Köln presents Die Schule am Meer and Mein Name ist Angst.
Teachers and their classes can register for the screening free of charge. When booking, please state the number of pupils, their age and a telephone number for queries. Professional visitors can register for the cinema programme informally by e-mail.
More information about the programme for schools:
Reservations and contact: Hannah Kirzeder, Gudrun Sommer Tel: +49 234 966 42423
For pupils aged 6 and over
The School by the Sea
Solveig Melkeraaen
During the breaks, Thorvin can hear the sea roaring. »The best thing about our school is that there are not […]
Mein Name ist Angst
Eliza Plocieniak-Alvarez
Whether in the dark, when a dog barks at us, or when we have to speak in front of a […]