

Alissa Sophie Larkamp, Emma-Mathilda Lipphaus

Spot on, NRW!

Osmosis refers to the penetration of a solvent through a permeable, fine-pored septum into a similar but more concentrated fluid. The protagonists turn this process around. They present supposed flaws as unique places. Self-perception breaks through conventional ideals of beauty. The film was made as part of the short film project femgoesshort which gave film-makers the opportunity to explore sexuality, concepts of accomplicity and utopias in film.

Guest: Alissa Larkamp

Directors / Script

Alissa Sophie Larkamp, Emma-Mathilda Lipphaus


Alissa Sophie Larkamp


Emma-Mathilda Lipphaus

Sound / Music

Ramon Gonzalez


Alissa Sophie Larkamp

Portrait of Alissa Sophie Larkamp

Alissa Sophie Larkamp

Alissa Sophie Larkamp studied political science and media, completing her Master’s degree in media studies at Ruhr University Bochum. She studied Film & Sound at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Her specialist areas are cinematography and montage.

Films by Alissa Sophie Larkamp (Selection)
Frauen (m)einer Familie 2021 | Hotelchroniken 2020 | Währenddessen 2020

Emma-Mathilda Lipphaus

Emma-Mathilda Lipphaus

Emma-Mathilda Lipphaus works as a media educator and accompanies youth groups in concept and realisation of socio-political short films. She has been studying Film & Sound at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts since 2018. She writes, produces and implements her own film projects.

Films by Emma-Mathilda Lipphaus
Blütenfrühlingsregen 2018 | widerständig/resistant 2019 | Nagellack auf Plexiglas 2021